Public Documents in Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
As I reported in Fact Checking Wikileaks' Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed (Part 1), the Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed leak from Wikileaks, contains a minority of CIA documents.
I originally said there were 114 arguably CIA documents but upon further review, the correct number is 125. Subject to your corrections of course.
For ease of use, I split the files into three listings: CIA (this file), Public and Wikileaks placeholders separately.
Perhaps my very brief notes will assist you in not search cruft such as 3261 pages of one line of non-printing characters ( or 3310 pages of an ls on an unknown machine (full_ls.txt.pdf). I probably have core dumps laying about but I would be very surprised if anyone "leaked" them as being of general interest.
The initial hyperlink in each entry points to a local copy of the file. Drop this file into a directory with these files and it should "just work."
- ~02.2.dat.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page. Binary dump of unknown origin.
- ~02.3.dat.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page. Binary dump of unknown origin.
- 2013.12.09_DART_user_manual, Modified by BK.docx.pdf, CIA (maybe), DART (software testing), unclassified manual by Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Labs, 47 pages.
- 2014.02.19_DART_user_manual.docx.pdf, CIA (maybe), DART (software testing), unclassified manual by Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Labs, 102 pages.
- 2014 10 23 -- EDG Testing White Paper -- Rev Draft B.docx.pdf, CIA (maybe), 32 pages.
- 2015-04-16_063833-Perseus-Install_Log.log.pdf, CIA (maybe), 4 pages. install log.
- 2015.05.18_DART_administrator_manual.docx.pdf, CIA (maybe), DART Administration Manual, 94 pages.
- 2015.05.18_DART_user_manual.docx.pdf, CIA (maybe), Another DART users manual, 170 pages.
- 2015-07-15_DUT3-CPU_Graph.pdf, CIA (maybe), RouterOS -> MikroTik -> CPU Usage Graphing, uncertain source/value, 2 pages.
- 2015-07-15_DUT3-Disk_Usage_Graph.pdf, CIA (maybe), RouterOS -> MikroTik -> Disk Usage Graphing, uncertain source/value, 2 pages.
- 2015-07-15_DUT3-Memory_Graph.pdf, CIA (maybe), RouterOS -> MikroTik -> Memory Usage Graphing, uncertain source/value, 2 pages.
- accounts.json.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page. Login to Atlassian?.
- airport-admin-login.pcap.pdf, CIA (maybe), a dump, 27 pages.
- aquaman-5h.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe) settings?, 1 page.
- aquaman-5h.txt.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe) settings?, 1 page. BTW, just eyeballing it, aquaman-5h.txt.pdf and aquaman-5h.txt.txt.pdf are duplicates. Not the only ones you will find.
- bghj.key.pdf, CIA (maybe), a private key, 1 page.
-, CIA (maybe), a certificate, 1 page.
- cadmium.pdf, CIA (maybe), Android exploit. 28 pages.
- captive.html.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- CaterpillarDataFlow.pptx.pdf, CIA (maybe), data flow graphic for Caterpillar, 1 page.
- CCDF - TDIW_Schema_Guide_for_Version_2_3_v1_0_3.pdf, CIA (maybe), TAO Data Item Wrapper (TDIW) Schema Documentation Guide For TDIW version 2.3, 31 pages.
- ccdf_xml_traffic_v2.5.1_final.dtd.dtd.pdf, CIA (maybe), an XML DTD, 28 pages.
- CodeReview.pdf, CIA (maybe), Code Reviews, 16 pages.
- Codex-Spec-v1-SECRET.pdf, CIA (maybe), (S//OC/NF) Network Operations Division CNE Operational Data Exchange Format (Codex) Specification, 27 pages.
- colloquy-long_time.patch.pdf, CIA (maybe), xsl fragment, 1 page..
-, CIA (maybe), MacBook crash, 11 pages.
-, CIA (maybe), 010 Editor v3.1.3 Binary Template. 10 pages.
- config_wireshark-ubuntu_user.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- Cryptographic Requirements v1.1 UNCLASSIFIED.pdf, CIA (maybe), Cryptographic Requirements, 17 pages.
- DevelopersGuide.pdf, CIA (maybe), Hive Engineering Development Guide, 14 pages.
- devlan_ca.cer.pdf,CIA (maybe), a certificate, 1 page.
- dhcpd.conf.pdf, CIA (maybe), one line call to JS?, 1 page.
- Dockerfile.pdf, CIA (maybe), apache/ssh startup script, 1 page..
- DRBOOM_V1.0_User_Guide.pdf, CIA (maybe), DRBOOM v1.0 User's Guide, iPad, 14 pages.
- enterprise_certs.pdf, CIA (maybe), a page of zeros, 1 page..
- etc-bind-db.loki.lab.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), BIND data file for local loopback interface, 1 page.
- etc-bind-named.conf.local.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), bind local configuration, 2 pages.
- etc-bind-named.conf.options.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), directory "/var/cache/bind", 1 page.
-, CIA (maybe), dcode/ncode python, 19 lines, 1 page.
- Fire & Forget Spec.pdf, CIA (maybe), MRC Module Format for Userspace Injection by Archangel, interesting there are no classification markings, yes?, 2 pages.
- flashLeds.bsh.pdf, CIA (maybe), led bash script, 1 page.
- floppyScript.bsh.pdf, CIA (maybe), led/floppy bash script, 1 page.
- full_ls.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), an ls of an unknown machine, 3310 pages.
- Galleon-Design_v1_rFinal.pdf, CIA (maybe), 7 pages.
- Galleon-Interface-Log_v1_rFinal.pdf, CIA (maybe), 5 pages.
- Galleon-Interface-Publish_v1_rFinal.pdf, CIA (maybe), 7 pages.
- Galleon-Interface-Transport_v1_rFinal.pdf, CIA (maybe), 8 pages.
- gd_bundle.crt.pdf, CIA (maybe), one certificate, 1 page.
-, CIA (maybe), a GPL Perl bootimage extractor, 4 pages.
- Hive Operating Environment - Test Infrastructure.pdf, CIA (maybe), Hive Beacon Lab Test Infrastructure, SECRET//SI//NOFORN, page 11 out of ? pages, 1 page.
- hotspot-detect.html.pdf, CIA (maybe), pdf of HTML source on need to authenticate to local network, I'm marking as CIA (maybe) b/c that may be its source. May have another source, 1 page..
- ICE-Spec-v3-final-SECRET.pdf, CIA (maybe), this and ICE-Spec-v3-final-UNCLASSIFIED.pdf are good examples of why I say "CIA (maybe), the documents have identical page breaks, despite radically different security markings, up until page 20. Notice that the number 20 is mis-aligned and creeps into the block of markup on the page. I can't say when these documents were altered but clearly they are copies of the same document, made into two documents. Who performed that act and why is unknown. 23 pages.
- ICE-Spec-v3-final-UNCLASSIFIED.pdf, CIA (maybe), see: ICE-Spec-v3-final-SECRET.pdf comments, 23 pages.
-, CIA (maybe), almost 8 pages of a script, followed by 3261 pages of a few lines of unprintable characters per page, 3269 pages.
- install.reg.pdf, CIA (maybe), not sure what this is, 31 pages.
- iOS Exploits - iOS - EDG Confluence.pdf, CIA (maybe), iOS exploit chart, 3 pages.
- JetsamEvent-iPad2,1 2005L247.ips.pdf, CIA (maybe), iPhone crash report?, 5 pages.
- Kernel-Execution-Spec-v1-SECRET.pdf, CIA (maybe), (S//NF) Network Operations Division Kernel-mode Execution Specification, 5 pages.
-, CIA (maybe), 010 Editor v3.1.3 Binary Template, 1 page.
- manifest.xml.pdf, CIA (maybe), gerrit.zoo.lan, 2 pages.
- Marble Framework.pptx.pdf, CIA (maybe), Marble Framework, no classification markings but not visible on the net, 24 pages.
- MCNUGGET_V4.0_User_Guide.pdf, CIA (maybe), MCNUGGET v4.0 User’s Guide, SECRET//NOFORN, note the cover page does not follow classification requirements, 12 pages.
- NetApp Build Document1.docx.pdf, CIA (maybe), Test Range NetApp Build Document, 6 pages.
- NewDevelopmentWorkflow.pptx.pdf, CIA (maybe),EDG’s Development Lifecycle, UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO, 24 pages.
- nightskies.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), SHA1-SUM, 4 lines, 1 page.
- NOD Cryptographic Requirements v1.1 SECRET.pdf, CIA (maybe), (C//NF) Network Operations Division Cryptographic Requirements,SECRET//NOFORN, appears to be identical to NOD Cryptographic Requirements v1.1 TOP SECRET.pdf, same classification officer, two different classifications, 17 pages.
- NOD Cryptographic Requirements v1.1 TOP SECRET.pdf, CIA (maybe), (C//NF) Network Operations DivisionCryptographic Requirements , TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN,appears to be identical to NOD Cryptographic Requirements v1.1 SECRET.pdf, same classification officer, two different classifications, 17 pages.
- ns2-named.conf.options.pdf, CIA (maybe), one page of a DNS config?, 1 page.
- nspkg design.graffle.pdf,CIA (maybe), Apple DTD, has the same reference for the DTD as ios8_launchd__bs_plist.plist.pdf, but different element structure?, DTD appears to be followed by data, 55 pages.
- nspkg design.pdf, CIA (maybe), a flow chart, 1 page.
- ns-Release-v3.0-b19.pdf,CIA (maybe), zeroes identical to enterprise_certs.pdf, 1 page.
- offline.html.pdf, CIA (maybe), Android Developer, HTML source as PDF?, 11 pages.
- OXF Data Standard, Version 1-2, 29 April 2013.docx.pdf, CIA (maybe), OXF Data Standardization Requirements for Interactive Tools for Microsoft Windows-Based Personal Computers and Servers, 6 pages.
- Persisted-DLL-Spec-v2-SECRET.pdf, CIA (maybe), Network Operations Division Persisted DLL Specification, (S//OC/NF), 5 pages.
- Persistence-Spec-v1-SECRET.pdf, CIA (maybe), Network Operations Division Persistence Specification, (S//NF), identical to (except for classification markings) Persistence-Spec-v1-UNCLASSIFIED.pdf, 5 pages.
- Persistence-Spec-v1-UNCLASSIFIED.pdf, CIA (maybe), Network Operations Division Persistence Specification,(U//FOUO), identical to (except for classification markings) Persistence-Spec-v1-SECRET.pdf, 5 pages. .
- precise-sources.list.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), Ubuntu repositories on, 1 page.
-, CIA (maybe), toy Pthon code, 2 pages.
-, CIA (maybe), toy Python code, 2 pages.
- publicKey.pem.pdf, CIA (maybe), an RSA Public Key, 1 page.
- Rain Maker Design.pptx.pdf, CIA (maybe), Design flow for Rain Maker, 1 page.
- Rain Maker v1.0 User Guide.doc.pdf, CIA (maybe), (U) Rain Maker 1.0 User's Guide, but has SECRET//20350629 markings, 10 pages.
- RANCID-Configuration Changes.doc.pdf, CIA (maybe), How To Add a Device to RANCID, local instructions?, includes the default password, 2 pages.
- RANCID-Installation.doc.pdf, CIA (maybe), RANCID Server 3.1 Installation and Operation Overview, more passwords, 4 pages.
- release_notes-2015-05-18.docx.pdf, CIA (maybe), Tyrant Release Notes, Lockheed Martin, no classification markings, 3 pages.
- repo.pdf, CIA (maybe), Repository script, two PGP keys, 14 pages.
- role_permissions.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), two lines, 17 characters total, your guess is as good as mine, 1 page.
- rootless_whitelist_10.11.2.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), appears to be a partial directory listing, 3 pages.
- SHELLCODE_51.html.pdf, CIA (maybe), HTML source for shellcode documentation?, 2 pages.
-, CIA (maybe), template for a command line python script, 7 pages.
-, CIA (maybe), template for a command line python script, surprise!, these really are different, starting on page 5, 7 pages.
- (S-NF) Independent_Review_EDG_Test_Programs_7NOV14.docx.pdf, CIA (maybe), (S-NF) Independent_Review_EDG_Test_Programs_7NOV14.docx.pdf, Independent Review of EDG Test Programs(?), I constructed the title, document lacks a cover page and proper classification markeings, 41 pages.
- sourcetree.license.pdf, CIA (maybe), Apple license string?, 1 page.
- syslog.c.pdf, CIA (maybe), Structure for passing sockets between the threads, this looks like sample code, 5 pages.
- target-aliases.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), two export commands, 1 page.
- TDIW_Schema_Guide_for_Version_2_3_v1_0_3.pdf.pdf, CIA (maybe), TAO Data Item Wrapper (TDIW)Schema Documentation Guide For TDIW version 2.3, 31 pages.
- test.dat.pdf, CIA (maybe), code dump, 1 page.
- TestNetwork.pdf, CIA (maybe), test network diagrams, 3 pages.
- ToolTemplate vX.X.X User Guide Rev A.doc.pdf, CIA (maybe), (U) Tool Template vX.XUser’s Guide, 5 pages.
- Tremor+Weekly+Report.doc.pdf, CIA (maybe), appears to be a stylesheet for Confluence export, 5 pages.
- Triclops 2015 - BillOfMaterial.pdf, CIA (maybe), 2 pages.
- Triclops 2015 - ECHOMOON.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- Triclops 2015 - Entitlements Dump.pdf, CIA (maybe), 248 pages.
- Triclops 2015 - Home.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- Triclops 2015 - KAMIKAZE.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- Triclops 2015 - _Library_MusicUISupport_js_index.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- Triclops 2015 - nsurlsessiond.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- Triclops 2015 - Other.pdf, CIA (maybe), 2 pages.
- Triclops 2015 - Patch Guard.pdf, CIA (maybe), 2 pages.
- Triclops 2015 - PREDUX.pdf, CIA (maybe), 3 pages.
- Triclops 2015 - Saline.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- Triclops 2015 - Securing Our Equity.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- Triclops 2015 - Status.pdf, CIA (maybe), 2 pages.
- Triclops 2015 - The Syslog and how to forward it.pdf, CIA (maybe), 1 page.
- Triclops 2015 - TinyScheme.pdf, CIA (maybe), 4 pages.
- trusty-sources.list.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), repository script, 1 page.
- turnAllLedsOff.bsh.pdf, CIA (maybe), another Bash LED script, 1 page.
- turnAllLedsOff.pdf, CIA (maybe), another Bash LED script, 1 page.
- usb_utils.diff.pdf, CIA (maybe), USB erasure script?, 6 pages.
- UsersGuide.pdf, CIA (maybe), (U) Hive 2.6.2 User's Guide, 27 pages.
- Utility.pdf, CIA (maybe), 3rd page of zeroes, identical to enterprise_certs.pdf and ns-Release-v3.0-b19.pdf, 1 page.
- utopic-sources.list.txt.pdf, CIA (maybe), Ubuntu 14.10 repository script, 1 page.
- WindowsUpdate_DevLAN_settings.reg.pdf, CIA (maybe), Two Windows HKEYS, 1 page.
- xsdf.key.pdf, CIA (maybe), a private key, 1 page.
-, CIA (maybe), a certificate, 1 page.