Public Documents in Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

As I reported in Fact Checking Wikileaks' Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed (Part 1), the Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed leak from Wikileaks, contains a large number of public documents. Public documents that serve to dilute and distract from the leak proper.

I originally said there were 109 public documents but upon further review, the correct number is 98. Subject to your corrections of course.

For ease of use, I split the files into three listings: CIA, Public (this file) and Wikileaks placeholders separately.

The initial hyperlink in each entry points to a local copy of the file. Drop this file into a directory with these files and it should "just work."

  1. 2014_EN_BreakingAVSoftware_JoxeanKoret.pdf, Public, You can watch the video, SyScan'14 Singapore: Breaking Anti virus Software By Joxean Koret, for which these are the slides, 90 pages.
  2. 0MQ-The-Guide.pdf, Public, apologies but the file name had one or more Windows characters so renamed it locally. 0MQ - The Guide - 0MQ - The Guide, 225 pages (in the pdf).
  3. Adapterboard_v1_2_Ref_INCA2.pdf, Public, INCA-IP2 Adapter-Board V1.1, Infineon, 7 pages.
  4. AIvI-M-RL1.pdf, Public, Android Internals: A Confectioner's Cookbook 267 pages.
  5. angr, a binary analysis framework.pdf, Public, pages from, 3 pages.
  6. AtlassianBlogs_git_diff.pdf, Public, Atlassian's Vive la git diff!. 5 pages.
  7. atlassian_git_cheatsheet.pdf, Public, here's a copy from 2015 Git Cheat Sheet. 2 pages. (found here:, so you can verify the date.
  8. auug97.pdf, Public, Recursive Make Considered Harmful by P. Miller. 16 pages.
  9. BypassAVDynamics.pdf, Public, Bypass Antivirus Dynamic Analysis. (source and PDF). 21 pages.
  10. C++ Frequently Questioned Answers.pdf, Public, see the most recent one, C++ FQA Lite, 112 pages.
  11. cjdns_Whitepaper.pdf, Public, What?, 14 pages.
  12. cuckoo.pdf, Public, Cuckoo Sandbox Book, 77 pages.
  13. Displayboard_RefV1_2_INCA.pdf, Public Infineon Display Board, 5 pages.
  14. EASY_21653_INCA_IP2_V1.1_TB_Rev1.0.pdf, Public Infineon Display Board, 2 pages..
  15. EASY21653_LinuxBSP_Rel2.2_GS_Rev2.4.pdf, Public Infineon Display Board, 22 pages.
  16. EASY_21653_V1.2_HDG_Rev1.1.pdf, Public Infineon Display Board, 40 pages.
  17. edb.conf.pdf, Public, Example OpenSSL configuration file, 1 page.
  18. eero - Finally, WiFi that works.pdf, Public, Finally, WiFi that works, 4 pages.
  19. eero - Technology.pdf, Public,eero - Technology. 5 pages
  20. Equation_group_questions_and_answers.pdf, Public,Equation Group Questions and Answers, 44 pages.
  21. Exchange.pdf, Public, Analysis of the Exchange Database By Joachim Metz. see Library and tools to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format to contact the author. 120 pages.
  22. Fluxwire_manual-3.5.0.pdf, Public, Fluxware Documentation, no classification markings, 202 pages.
  23. git-best-practices.pdf, Public, Commit Often, Perfect Later, Publish Once: Git Best Practices, 21 pages.
  24. git_better.pdf, Public, Nerds - 28 May 2015, How to Git Better, 44 pages.
  25. Git-Branching-and-Forking.pdf, Public, Git Branching and Forking in the Enterprise: Why Fork?, 6 pages.
  26. Git-branching-model.pdf, Public, Graphic from A successful Git branching model, 1 page.
  27. git-commits.pdf, Public, A Note About Git Commit Messages, 2 pages.
  28. git-deliberate-git.pdf, Public, Deliberate Git, 12 pages.
  29. git-ffwd.pdf, Public, What's a Fast Forward Merge?, authored by Ben Sandofsky, 1 page.
  30. git-forks-and-upstreams.pdf, Public, Git Forks And Upstreams: How-to and a cool tip, 5 pages.
  31. git-post-production.pdf, Public, Post-Production Editing using Git, 16 pages.
  32. Git-ResetDemystified.pdf, Public, Reset Demystified 16 pages.
  33. Git-Submodules.pdf, Public, Git Submodules: Core Concept, Workflows And Tips, 5 pages.
  34. Git-SVN-CrashCourse.pdf, Public, Git - SVN Crash Course, 7 pages.
  35. Git_Workflows_Centralized.pdf, Public,moved to Centralized Workflow .
  36. Git_Workflows_FeatureBranch.pdf, Public, moved to Feature Branch Workflow, 6 pages.
  37. Git_Workflows_Forking.pdf, Public, moved to Forking Workflow, 6 pages.
  38. Git_Workflows_GitFlow.pdf, Public,moved to Gitflow Workflow, 7 pages .
  39. Git_Workflows_Overview.pdf, Public, moved to Comparing Workflows, 3 pages.
  40. gmock-cheatsheet.pdf, Public, Google C++ Mocking Framework Cheat Sheet, 10 pages.
  41. gmock-cookbook.pdf, Public, Google C++ Mocking Framework Cookbook, 41 pages .
  42. gmock-faq.pdf, Public, Google C++ Mocking Framework FAQ , 8 pages.
  43. gmock-fordummies.pdf, Public, Google C++ Mocking Framework for Dummies, 8 pages.
  44. GNU_Autoconf_UserManual.pdf, Public, Autoconf by MacKenzie, Elliston, Demaille, GNU, 392 pages.
  45. GNU_Automake_UserManual.pdf, Public, GNU Automake by MacKenzie, et al., 182 pages.
  46. GNU_GnuLib_UserManual.pdf, Public,GNU GnuLib, 742 pages.
  47. GNU_Libtool_UserManual.pdf, Public, GNU Libtool by Matzigkeit, Oliva, Tanner, Vaughan, 126 pages.
  48. GNU_Make_UserManual.pdf, Public, GNU Make by Stallman, McGrath, Smith, 212 pages.
  49. gtest-advguide.pdf, Public, Advanced topics on using Google C++ Testing Framework, 27 pages.
  50. gtest-faq.pdf, Public, FAQ - Google C++ Testing Framework has moved?, 15 pages.
  51. gtest-primer.pdf, Public, Getting started with Google C++ Testing Framework, 7 pages.
  52. gtest-xcode.pdf, Public, A guide for using the Google Testing Framework with Xcode on Mac OS X ,.
  53. gum-janus-PCB30029.pdf, Public, Gumstix, Board PCB30021, 7 pages.
  54. gum-pinto-PCB30011.pdf, Public, Gumstix, Board PCB30011, 7 pages.
  55. gum-thumbo-PCB30021.pdf, Public, Gumstix, Board PCB30029, 4 pages.
  56. hackerway.pdf, Public, The Responsive Enterprise: Embracing the Hacker Way by Erik Meijer and Vikarm Kapoor, acmqueue, November 3, 2014, 18 pages.
  57. How Sonos and John MacFarlane Built the Perfect Wireless Speaker for Streaming Music - Businessweek.pdf, Public, How Sonos and John MacFarlane Built the Perfect Wireless Speaker for Streaming Music, 9 pages.
  58. How To Create Temporary and Permanent Redirects with Apache .pdf, Public, How To Create Temporary and Permanent Redirects with Apache and Nginx by Justin Ellingwood, 13 pages.
  59. How To Install Tinc and Set Up a Basic VPN on Ubuntu 14.pdf, Public, How To Install Tinc and Set Up a Basic VPN on Ubuntu 14.04 by Mitchell Anicas, 16 pages.
  60. How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 14.pdf, Public, How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS by Justin Ellingwood, 20 pages.
  61. INCA-IP2_LAN_Phone_V2.2.1_RN_Rev1.0.pdf, Public, Infineon Single Chip Solution for IP-Phone Applications, 5 pages.
  62. INCA_IP2_LinuxBSP_Rel2.0_UM_PR_Rev1.0.pdf, Public, Linux ® BSP Programmer's Reference Release 2.0 for INCA-IP2 (PSB 21653), V1.3, 165 pages.
  63. INCA-IP2_LinuxBSP_V2.2.1_RN_Rev1.2.pdf, Public, Inca-IP2 Linux BSP v2.2.1 for Inca-IP2 (PSB 21653), 5 pages.
  64. INCA-IP2_TAPI_V3.5.2_RN_Rev12.pdf, Public, INCA-IP2 TAPI V3.5.2
  65. INCA_IP2_V1.2_BootROM_Rel1.4_UM_Rev1.1.pdf, Public,INCA-IP2-S (PSB 21653), V1.2, INCA-IP2-C (PSB 21621), V1.1, 16 pages .
  66. index.html.pdf, Public, Writing udev rules by Daniel Drake, HTML document displayed as PDF source?, 22 pages.
  67. Inside the EquationDrug Espionage Platform - Securelist.pdf, Public, Inside the EquationDrug Espionage Platform, 43 pages.
  68. ios8_launchd__bs_plist.plist.pdf, Public, Apple DTD, 3 pages.
  69. Keyboard_V1_2_Ref_INCA.pdf, Public, INCA-IP2 Reference system, Infineon, 5 pages.
  70. Mainboard_V1_2_Ref_INCA.pdf, Public, INCA-IP2 Reference system, Infineon, 16 pages.
  71. make.pdf, Public, GNU Make (second copy), 212 pages.
  72. [MS-CFB].pdf, Public, [MS-CFB]: Compound File Binary File Format, 45 pages.
  73. [MS-DOC].pdf, Public, [MS-DOC]: Word (.doc) Binary File Format, 621 pages.
  74. [MS-OLEPS].pdf, Public, [MS-OLEPS]: Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Property Set Data Structures, 64 pages.
  75. [MS-OSHARED] (1).pdf, Public, [MS-OSHARED]: Office Common Data Types and Objects Structures, 205 pages.
  76. [MS-PPT].pdf, Public, [MS-PPT]: PowerPoint (.ppt) Binary File Format, 684 pages.
  77. [MS-SHLLINK].pdf, Public, [MS-SHLLINK]: Shell Link (.LNK) Binary File Format, 51 pages.
  78. open_resolvers_cc.csv.pdf, Public,Open Resolvers, 238 pages.
  79. open_resolvers_whois.csv.pdf, Public, Open Resolvers Whois, 360 pages.
  80. problem-w-vim.pdf, Public, The problem with Vim, 2 pages
  81. progit.en.pdf, Public, Pro Git by Scott Chacon, 238 pages.
  82., Public, GoodFET, 1 page.
  83. sandbox_profile.ios.txt.pdf, Public, Sandbox Profile Language version, a poorly typeset version of: Apple's Sandbox Guide?, or perhaps a command page from same?, 14 pages.
  84. SPINACER_VoIP_IPP_Subsystem_HAPI_Rel2.2_UM_PR_Rev1.1.pdf, Public, VoIP IP Phone Subsystem High-Level Application Programming Interface STS 9201, Release 2.2., 37 pages.
  85. successful-git-branching-model.pdf,Public, A successful Git branching model by Vincent Driessen, 7 pages.
  86. TAPI_V3_UM_PR_Rev15.pdf, Public, Programmer's Reference Revision 1.5, 374 pages.
  87. The Architecture of Open Source Applications (Volume 2)_ ZeroMQ.pdf, Public, ZeroMQ by Martin Sústrik, part of a larger body of work: The Architecture of Open Source Applications, 14 pages.
  88. The_Mystery_of_Duqu_2_0_a_sophisticated_cyberespionage_actor_returns.pdf, Public, The duqu 2.0, 46 pages.
  89. tinc.pdf, Public, tinc Manual, 48 pages.
  90. UEFI 2_5.pdf, Public, Unified Extensible Firmware Interface Specification, 2637 pages.
  91. UPnP-arch-DeviceArchitecture-v1.1.pdf, Public, UPnP™ Device Architecture 1.1., 136 pages.
  92. vim_revisited.pdf, Public, Vim: revisited by Mislav Marohnić, 15 pages.
  93. Whats-a-mesh-network-eero-Help-Center.pdf, Public, What's a mesh network?, 2 pages.
  94. Why-Most-Unit-Testing-is-Waste.pdf, Public, Why Most Unit Testing is Waste by James O Coplien, 21 pages.
  95. why-why-vi.pdf, Public, Why, oh WHY, do those #?@! nutheads use vi? by Jon Beltran de Heredia, 8 pages.
  96. Wireless mesh network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.pdf, Public, Wireless mesh network, .
  97. Word97-2007BinaryFileFormat(doc)Specification.pdf, Public, MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD 97-2007 BINARY FILE FORMAT SPECIFICATION, 210 pages.
  98. ZigBee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.pdf, Public, ZigBee, 12 pages.